Monday, March 26, 2012


The operation went well yesterday. The only issue was that Leo turned out to be allergic to iodine and the disinfectant used to swab made the tissue swell up. Not the best thing under the circumstances.

He was fine after the op and was in good spirits when we came to pick him up. He now had the plastic collar on and he'll keep that on for two weeks until the stitches come out.

It is imperative that he doesn't damage the stitches by rubbing them of scraping them on anything - it is not going to be easy as he bumps into everything with the super-sized collar. He is so used to sticking his nose into everything and now he can't. The soft leash is on him all the time (rolled around his neck when not in use) as we need to use it often going outside or upstairs.

These are the photos I took on the evening of the op. His right eye is still quite swollen as you can see.

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