Thursday, December 29, 2011

Training collar / Collier de dressage

I was asked recently if I used a training collar with Leo. Whenever I go out walking with Leo, since he was about 5 months old, I've used this collar. It really works and prevents him running off.

The one I use is the Collier de Dressage Numaxes Conicom 1500 PRO. Carel & Wilma, our breeders, use the same device so I went for that one on their recommendation, but also as it was the device with the most options and the longest distance signal coverage. These dogs can run fast and when the dog is off, you don't want to have a 800m device not work when the dog is on the other side of a field.

There is an option for a second collar and options for bird release boxes (Boîte d'envol Numaxes Canifly). The Collar was bought at - the best price I could find when I was looking for one. They sell a wide range of training collars - if you are after another one, or perhaps a more simple one, check them out.

How much do I Zap him? Well not much at all. He now knows that the collar has the potential to Zap so he generally responds well to the 'come' Beep. I have the Flash Zap setting on 7 and only use it if the dog refuses to come, i.e. he decides to do something else. I give him a second chance to change his mind before I press the Flash Zap, i.e. calling him twice. I always associate the 'come' Beep together with a whistle or a verbal 'come' command. Later, when stalking, you can use the 'come' Beep by itself if you want to keep things quite and he will come.

Here above, Leo has the collar on. You can connect a lead to it, but often I'll also use a slip lead whilst taking him off for the walk. If you attach a lead to this collar, it could hut him if he pulls on the lead so I don't do that too much. Other collars are available in different colours.

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